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Welcome to Monkey Puzzle Bromley

Monkey Puzzle Bromley is a Grade-II listed building with an interior purposely converted to provide a home-from-home environment. This is ideal for children to learn and develop through play, whilst picking up many new skills on their way towards school. Interactive learning indoors combine with the enjoyment of an impact-absorbing outdoor play surface to delight children. Our nursery is just a short walk from both Bromley North and Bromley South train stations making us perfect for families working in and around Bromley or commuting in and out of London.

We are part of an award-winning nursery group, offering high-quality childcare in our specially equipped nursery for children aged three months to five years old.

Adding to this, we tailor our care to suit your child’s age. We achieve this by placing children into the following age categories: babies aged 3 to 18 months, toddlers aged 18 to 30 months and toddlers aged between 30 and 42 months old and lastly preschool aged 36 months plus. Due to our rooms being equipped especially for these ages, we are able to provide that home-from-home feel.

Hello. I’m Arlind and I am the owner of Monkey Puzzle Bromley. My team and I are dedicated to creating an outstanding environment that gives every child the best start in life, caring for and supporting them to play, learn and grow in a space where they can thrive.

I would love to welcome and show you around our beautiful nursery setting so please get in touch.


Nursery Owner

Tina - Monkey Puzzle Bromley Manager

The very youngest children at Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery Bromley spend their time in our specially designed Babies’ room, welcoming children from the age of three to eighteen months.

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From the age of 18 months, children spend their time in our first Toddlers room, a space designed to build their independence and curiosity, with perfectly sized furnishings and learning resources to explore.

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Toddlers 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 Years

Welcomed from the age of 30 months, children enjoy a space in our second Toddlers Room that matches their inquisitiveness and energy, with well-considered furnishings and learning resources accessible at all times.

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Your child will embark on their preschool journey with us at around 36 months old, enjoying an enriching learning environment that fully supports their individual needs as well as the group activities and play.

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The very youngest children at Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery Bromley spend their time in our specially designed Babies’ room, welcoming children from the age of three months to twelve months.

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From the age of 18 months, children spend their time in our first Toddlers room, a space designed to build their independence and curiosity, with perfectly sized furnishings and learning resources to explore.

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Toddlers 2 1/2 to 3/12 years

Welcomed from the age of 30 months, children enjoy a space in our second Toddlers room that matches their inquisitiveness and energy, with well-considered furnishings and learning resources accessible at all times.

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Your child will embark on their preschool journey with us at around 36 months old, enjoying an enriching learning environment that fully supports their individual needs as well as the group activities and play.

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We’re just around the corner, with lots for you to discover…

  • An amazing home from home environment where we guide children’s learning through the Early Years Foundation Stage ensuring they are ready for school
  • Extra-curricular activities including specialised Speech and Language Development, French Lessons, Music Sessions and Sports for Tots and Yoga/Mindfulness
  • A beautiful listed building with heaps of natural light
  • All main meals and snacks prepared on-site
  • Nappies, wipes and creams all included in the price
  • Modern security systems, including CCTV cameras throughout the nursery
  • Amazing outside play area with impact absorbing safety surfacing
  • A fully staffed team with additional team members to provide consistency and quality care
  • Strong links within the local community through a range of outings
  • Secure partnership with parents and a range of exciting family events and information sessions
  • Covered outside space for all-weather outdoor activities
  • Air conditioning units in each room to ensure our children and team stay cool during warmer weather
  • Car parking for drop off and pick up
  • Enthusiastic, caring and highly qualified team with each child self-selecting their dedicated key person
  • Buggy storage available
  • Close vicinity to excellent Primary schools
  • Located within 5 minutes of train stations

Plus so much more. Get in touch today.

Open 7:30am to 6:30pm Monday to Friday for 51 weeks per year, (closed for the week between Christmas and New Year)

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We love to share insight into nursery life through our social media pages and accounts. Take a look below to see some of our posts, click to go through to view them in full and leave us a comment or a like.

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🌹🥰❤️Valentines Day❤️🥰🌹

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Valentines Day, We hope you have a lovely day celebrating with those you love ❤️

#monkeypuzzlebromley #monkeypuzzlenurseries #BR1 #valentinesday #LoveIsInTheAir
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🌹🥰❤️Valentines Day❤️🥰🌹

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Valentines Day, We hope you have a lovely day celebrating with those you love ❤️

#monkeypuzzlebromley #monkeypuzzlenurseries #BR1 #valentinesday #LoveIsInTheAir

🍏🍐The Very Hungry Caterpillar🍓🍊

The Investigators children really enjoy reading the book about 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' so after spending lots of time reading the book, joining in with the story sack and then exploring the foods in the home corner, what better way to extend this activity then go to the local super market @Sainsbury's to buy the fruits ourselves.

With the weather a little on the grey area and some light showers, coats on, hoods up we had a lovely walk into Bromley to buy the fruit.

Following the correct road safety, enjoying the environment, seeing a Fire Engine from the fire station with sirens and lights on, we discussed the emergencies it might be going to, watching a man clean some windows and even an engineer working on some pipes.

As we entered Sainsbury's we picked up a basket, took the book we bought with us out of the bag and reminded ourselves what fruits the caterpillar liked to enjoy.

Off we went to look for them, We wanted to buy the whole shelf of food but we only bought a couple of each, which we paid for and took all the way back to nursery for our afternoon snack! Yummy!

We love going on adventures and look forward to our next one!

#SkillsForLife #extendedlearningopportunities #investigators #LifeSkills #Communication #theyaresocute #BR1 #monkeypuzzlenurseries #monkeypuzzlebromley #LearningThroughPlay #shopping #sainsburys #theveryhungrycaterpillar #story #fruits
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🍏🍐The Very Hungry Caterpillar🍓🍊

The Investigators children really enjoy reading the book about The Very Hungry Caterpillar so after spending lots of time reading the book, joining in with the story sack and then exploring the foods in the home corner, what better way to extend this activity then go to the local super market @Sainsburys to buy the fruits ourselves. 

With the weather a little on the grey area and some light showers, coats on, hoods up we had a lovely walk into Bromley to buy the fruit. 

Following the correct road safety, enjoying the environment, seeing a Fire Engine from the fire station with sirens and lights on, we discussed the emergencies it might be going to, watching a man clean some windows and even an engineer working on some pipes. 

As we entered Sainsburys we picked up a basket, took the book we bought with us out of the bag and reminded ourselves what fruits the caterpillar liked to enjoy. 

Off we went to look for them, We wanted to buy the whole shelf of food but we only bought a couple of each, which we paid for and took all the way back to nursery for our afternoon snack! Yummy!

We love going on adventures and look forward to our next one!

#SkillsForLife #extendedlearningopportunities #investigators #lifeskills #communication #theyaresocute #BR1 #monkeypuzzlenurseries #monkeypuzzlebromley #learningthroughplay #shopping #sainsburys #theveryhungrycaterpillar #story #fruitsImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

🌈Children’s Mental Health Week🌈

This week we have been exploring emotions to help support our children in learning to know how they feel. Throughout all the rooms across the nursery we have been talking about our emotions, discussing how we feel, letting each other know that it is ok to talk about how we feel and expressing this through talking, drawing, and even signing.

The Explorers this week have read lots of emotion stories and spent the time to learn how to sign our emotions. This helps a child when experiencing a big emotion to have another form of communication to let us know how they feel as children do not always want to use their words. We also used paper plates to create our own faces to create an emotions board that the children can use to point to and recognise their emotions.

In the Discoverers the children had the emotions books out, puppets, and then with a lovely sensory tray of fruits and vegetables the children helped to be creative and make the faces of how they were feeling replicating what was shown in the pictures.

The Investigators have enjoyed drawing their emotions throughout the week, talking about how they are feeling, why they are feeling this way and how we can all help each other, they then expressed this through drawing their emotions and using the puppets to express this.

The Inventors got very creative with drawing their feelings and emotions, talking about being kind to others and how this makes them feel. The Inventors drew their emotions, talked about their likes and dislikes and also expressed about their uniqueness to one another. There have been lots of conversations about how we should always talk to one another and we are all here at nursery to help.

#inventors #discoverers #YouAreASuperStar #weloveyou #extendedlearningopportunities #tufftray #investigators #FineMotorSkills #lifeskills #communication #makaton #theyaresocute #BR1 #monkeypuzzlenurseries #monkeypuzzlebromley #explorers #learningthroughplay #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek2025 #drawing #emotions
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🌈Children’s Mental Health Week🌈

This week we have been exploring emotions to help support our children in learning to know how they feel. Throughout all the rooms across the nursery we have been talking about our emotions, discussing how we feel, letting each other know that it is ok to talk about how we feel and expressing this through talking, drawing, and even signing. 

The Explorers this week have read lots of emotion stories and spent the time to learn how to sign our emotions. This helps a child when experiencing a big emotion to have another form of communication to let us know how they feel as children do not always want to use their words. We also used paper plates to create our own faces to create an emotions board that the children can use to point to and recognise their emotions.

In the Discoverers the children had the emotions books out, puppets, and then with a lovely sensory tray of fruits and vegetables the children helped to be creative and make the faces of how they were feeling replicating what was shown in the pictures. 

The Investigators have enjoyed drawing their emotions throughout the week, talking about how they are feeling, why they are feeling this way and how we can all help each other, they then expressed this through drawing their emotions and using the puppets to express this. 

The Inventors got very creative with drawing their feelings and emotions, talking about being kind to others and how this makes them feel. The Inventors drew their emotions, talked about their likes and dislikes and also expressed about their uniqueness to one another. There have been lots of conversations about how we should always talk to one another and we are all here at nursery to help. 

 #inventors #discoverers #YouAreASuperStar #weloveyou #extendedlearningopportunities #tufftray #investigators #FineMotorSkills #lifeskills #communication #makaton #theyaresocute #BR1 #monkeypuzzlenurseries #monkeypuzzlebromley #explorers #learningthroughplay #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek2025 #drawing #emotionsImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

🐉🇨🇳🀄Lunar New Year🀄🇨🇳🐉

The children have been learning all about Lunar New Year over the past week here at nursery, with various activities set out, story times and music we have been enjoying learning about the culture.

Exploring in many activities that showcased the colours from China the children all explored rice play, water play, science experiments, colour matching, lantern making and even various coloured playdough.

We look forward to learning everyday and exploring more of the world.

#inventors #discoverers #extendedlearningopportunities #tufftray #investigators #finemotorskills #Communication #BR1 #monkeypuzzlenurseries #monkeypuzzlebromley #explorers #LearningThroughPlay #lunarnewyear #YearOfTheSnake
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🐉🇨🇳🀄Lunar New Year🀄🇨🇳🐉

The children have been learning all about Lunar New Year over the past week here at nursery, with various activities set out, story times and music we have been enjoying learning about the culture. 

Exploring in many activities that showcased the colours from China the children all explored rice play, water play, science experiments, colour matching, lantern making and even various coloured playdough. 

We look forward to learning everyday and exploring more of the world.

 #inventors #discoverers #extendedlearningopportunities #tufftray #investigators #FineMotorSkills #communication #BR1 #monkeypuzzlenurseries #monkeypuzzlebromley #explorers #learningthroughplay #LunarNewYear #YearOfTheSnakeImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment


We are very proud to announce that Ellie has officially completed and gained her Level 3 Qualification in Childcare. 🥳🥳

Ellie officially received her certificate last week after 18 months of studying, completing assignments, units, observations, professional discussions and dedication to her role within the nursery, all while also preparing to become a mummy! As Ellie is currently on maternity leave and spending precious time with her bundle of joy, we had to improvise with her photo (Sorry Ellie).

We are incredibly proud of Ellie and all the amazing things she was doing in the Explorers room before going on maternity leave and we look forward to seeing what else she can bring to the nursery and continue sharing her passion and enthusiasm when she returns 😊

Well done Ellie! We knew you could do it and we are so incredibly thankful to have you in our Nursery 😍 now enjoy your maternity leave and we will see you soon!!

Congratulations Ellie! 🌟

#monkeypuzzledaynurseries #monkeypuzzlebromley #proudofyou #Congratulations #BR1 #level3qualified #youdidit
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We are very proud to announce that Ellie has officially completed and gained her Level 3 Qualification in Childcare. 🥳🥳

Ellie officially received her certificate last week after 18 months of studying, completing assignments, units, observations, professional discussions and dedication to her role within the nursery, all while also preparing to become a mummy! As Ellie is currently on maternity leave and spending precious time with her bundle of joy, we had to improvise with her photo (Sorry Ellie).

We are incredibly proud of Ellie and all the amazing things she was doing in the Explorers room before going on maternity leave and we look forward to seeing what else she can bring to the nursery and continue sharing her passion and enthusiasm when she returns 😊

Well done Ellie! We knew you could do it and we are so incredibly thankful to have you in our Nursery 😍 now enjoy your maternity leave and we will see you soon!! 

Congratulations Ellie! 🌟

#monkeypuzzledaynurseries #monkeypuzzlebromley #proudofyou #congratulations #BR1 #level3qualified #youdidit

12 CommentsComment on Facebook

So proud of you Ellie, you are so amazing Mia you so much already xxx

Yay amazing! Well done Ellie x

Well done my darling Elz bells! So proud of you my angel xxxx

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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Burn's Night🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

On Friday we celebrated Burns night with the children around the nursery.
With some of our families from all the way up in Scotland we wanted to celebrate their culture.

The nursery is very lucky to have some of our parents come in to support the children in learning more about Scotland and talk about Burn's night.

The children danced to Scottish Music, looked at some of the outfits that Scottish people wear, joined in with a 'What's in the Box' activity sharing these experiences.
Pictures of Robert Burns were passed around and the children even got to have a look at Haggis, the traditional Scottish dish.

Throughout the day the children joined in with many blue and white Scottish flag painting and even trying to make their own tartan patterns.

We love learning about different cultures and are so lucky to have our parents who love coming into the nursery to share these experiences with the children.
Thank you ☺️

#YouAreASuperStar #extendedlearningopportunities #investigators #Communication #theyaresocute #BR1 #monkeypuzzlenurseries #monkeypuzzlebromley #LearningThroughPlay #burnsnight #ourparentsaregreat #culturalcapital
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Burns Night🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

On Friday we celebrated Burns night with the children around the nursery. 
With some of our families from all the way up in Scotland we wanted to celebrate their culture. 

The nursery is very lucky to have some of our parents come in to support the children in learning more about Scotland and talk about Burns night. 

The children danced to Scottish Music, looked at some of the outfits that Scottish people wear, joined in with a Whats in the Box activity sharing these experiences. 
Pictures of Robert Burns were passed around and the children even got to have a look at Haggis, the traditional Scottish dish. 

Throughout the day the children joined in with many blue and white Scottish flag painting and even trying to make their own tartan patterns. 

We love learning about different cultures and are so lucky to have our parents who love coming into the nursery to share these experiences with the children. 
Thank you ☺️

 #YouAreASuperStar #extendedlearningopportunities #investigators #communication #theyaresocute #BR1 #monkeypuzzlenurseries #monkeypuzzlebromley #learningthroughplay #burnsnight #ourparentsaregreat #culturalcapitalImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

🧩Invitation to play🧩

During our January Staff meeting we spoke about Invitation to play, which is the way the team set up and present materials and resources to the children to encourage and invite them to play, It can offer children the opportunity to lead their own play, follow their interests, learn more about the world around them, express themselves creatively and use their imagination.

With this in mind we set the team a challenge, they broke off into their rooms and set up an activity for their children, thinking about the materials and resources they use and how this links to their children's current interests, of course they also needed to explain their intent.

Please can we ask you to vote for your favourite in the comments, each picture is numbered.

#invitationtoplay #activities #childdevelopment #nurserypractitioner #teamwork #staffmeeting #CastYourVote #monkeypuzzlebromley #BR1 #bromleymums
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🧩Invitation to play🧩

During our January Staff meeting we spoke about Invitation to play, which is the way the team set up and present materials and resources to the children to encourage and invite them to play, It can offer children the opportunity to lead their own play, follow their interests, learn more about the world around them, express themselves creatively and use their imagination.

With this in mind we set the team a challenge, they broke off into their rooms and set up an activity for their children, thinking about the materials and resources they use and how this links to their childrens current interests, of course they also needed to explain their intent.

Please can we ask you to vote for your favourite in the comments, each picture is numbered.

#invitationtoplay #activities #childdevelopment #nurserypractitioner #teamwork #staffmeeting #castyourvote #monkeypuzzlebromley #BR1 #bromleymumsImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

61 CommentsComment on Facebook

2 looks very inviting - and it's so important to start exploring emotions early!

Number 2 👏 looks so inviting!

Number 2 is brilliant! Very age appropirate and looks so enaging for the children🥰

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⭐️Employee of the Month⭐️

Employee of the month for January is awarded to Lauren.

Lauren showed sheer determination and dedication to completing her Level 3, submitting assignments on time and to a high quality, even when there were struggles, Lauren fought through and smashed it being awarded a DISTINCTION.

Lauren is an asset to the Discoverers team and strives to provide the best possible care for our children and Families.

Thank you for all you do ❤️

#appreciation #EmployeeOfTheMonth #thankyou #weappreciateyou #monkeypuzzlebromley #bestteamever #BR1
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⭐️Employee of the Month⭐️

Employee of the month for January is awarded to Lauren.

Lauren showed sheer determination and dedication to completing her Level 3, submitting assignments on time and to a high quality, even when there were struggles, Lauren fought through and smashed it being awarded a DISTINCTION.

Lauren is an asset to the Discoverers team and strives to provide the best possible care for our children and Families.

Thank you for all you do ❤️

#appreciation #employeeofthemonth #thankyou #weappreciateyou #monkeypuzzlebromley #bestteamever #BR1

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Congratulations Lauren!!! We are so lucky to have you as part of our discoverers team, you are truly amazing!!! ❤️

Well done Lauren! Super proud how far you’ve come! You are so caring and loving 🥰

Congrats Lauren.. you’ve always got time for a chat and an ear to listen xx 😙

🤩Congratulations 🤩

Well done to Lauren on her 5 years of service,

Lauren joined us 5 years ago and is as confident now as she was back then! Lauren came to us with a wealth of knowledge in all areas, which she uses to support our children, families and staff day in and day out, within her role of Deputy Room leader and Assistant SENCO, she strives to provide the very best support and experiences for our children ensuring they are ready for the next stage in their learning.

Lauren will go above and beyond and will always help out where ever needed, she is very passionate in what she does and have a great bond with her key children.

Well done Lauren! And thank you for all you do 🥳

#monkeypuzzlebromley #monkeypuzzlenurseries #BR1 #5yearsService #Congratulations #keepitup
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🤩Congratulations 🤩

Well done to Lauren on her 5 years of service, 

Lauren joined us 5 years ago and is as confident now as she was back then! Lauren came to us with a wealth of knowledge in all areas, which she uses to support our children, families and staff day in and day out, within her role of Deputy Room leader and Assistant SENCO, she strives to provide the very best support and experiences for our children ensuring they are ready for the next stage in their learning.

Lauren will go above and beyond and will always help out where ever needed, she is very passionate in what she does and have a great bond with her key children.

Well done Lauren! And thank you for all you do 🥳

#monkeypuzzlebromley #monkeypuzzlenurseries #BR1 #5YearsService #Congratulations #keepitup

6 CommentsComment on Facebook

Awww such an achievement Can't imagine not seeing you everyday and seeing how much you are dedicated to your job 💜💜💜

Congratulations Lauren, monkey puzzle wouldn’t be the same without you! You do so much and we all appreciate the lengths you go. What an absolute star!🩷

Congratulations Lauren xxx

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